How to control blood pressure at home

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Home » blog » Dash diet for the health of the heart Dash diet for the health of the heart Lifestyle for the health of the heart: the DASH diet DASH Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is the acronym for the diet, which is a short summary of a diet to help control high blood pressure.

The diet recommended by the diet helps to lower blood pressure and control cholesterol levels, so it is useful both to relieve symptoms that have already developed and to prevent them. Give up on something? Absolutely not! The DASH diet promotes a diet that is easy to follow: it recommends eating fruit, vegetables, oilseeds, whole grains, poultry, fish and low-fat dairy products, and encourages you to minimise your salt intake, as well as red meat, sugary sweets, alcohol and sweetened drinks.

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Same as the Mediterranean diet? The basics are the same, but DASH only recommends the consumption of low-fat dairy products and does not promote the consumption of any alcohol.

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In other respects — including fish, seasonal vegetables and fruit, and oilseeds in the diet — it is similar to the justly popular Mediterranean diet.

The power in fibre Fibre-rich foods help to lower cholesterol levels and prevent us from taking in too many excess calories.

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Eating foods rich in fibre — such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains — can help you feel full sooner and even last longer. Salt is not our friend A lot of salt retains fluid in the body, which is clearly bad for the heart. It makes it work harder and puts extra strain on it, so the best thing you can do is to reduce the amount of salt you take in.

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We need the protein! Studies also confirm The effectiveness of the diet has recently been studied in the United States.

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They had to answer a item questionnaire about their diet and were divided into 5 groups according to their answers. The classification was based on the extent to which their diet had been based on the DASH diet over the past 13 years.

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